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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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11 46 STEERING VI Sorvim DI gnusIs Smrlnq Gaar and Pump Continuum Condition Possible Cause Correction GROWL NOISE IN 1 Excessive back pressure in hoses 1 Locate restriction and correct STEERING PUMP or steering gear caused by re Replace part if necessary striction GROWL NOISE IN 1 Scored pressure plates thrust 1 Replace parts and flush system STEERING PUMP plate or rotor PARTICULARLY NOTICEABLE AT 2 Extreme wear of cam ring 2 Replace parts STAND STILL PARKING GROAN NOISE IN 1 Low oil level 1 Fill reservoir to proper level STEERING PUMP 2 Air in the oil Poor pressure hose 2 Tighten connector to specified connection torque Bleed system by oper ating steering from right to left full tum RATTLE NOISE IN 1 Vanes not installed properly 1 Install properly STEERING PUMP 2 Vanes sticking in rotor slots 2 Free up by removing burrs var nish or dirt WHINE NOISE IN 1 Pump shaft bearing scored 1 Replace housing and shaft Flush STEERING PUMP system POOR RETURN OF 1 Tires not properly inflated 1 Inflate to specified pressure STEERING WHEEL TO CENTER 2 Lack of lubrication in linkage 2 Lube linkage and ball studs and ball studs 3 Lower coupling flange rubbing 3 Loosen pinch bolt and assemble against steering gear adjuster properly plug 4 Improper front wheel alingment 4 Check and adjust as necessary With front wheels still on align ment pads of front end machine disconnect pitman arm of link age from pitman shaft of gear Turn front wheels by hand If wheels will not turn or turn with considerable effort determine if linkage or ball joints are binding 5 Steering linkage binding 5 Replace pivots 6 Ball studs binding 6 Replace ball studs 7 Tight or frozen steering shaft 7 Replace bearings bearings