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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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11 58 STEERING VI it y 1 M ef r ff g gg I K W 1 i ge VV S K I S go s nucu V ug f e g 1 is 1 e if mm 1 u KV v Y F 11 97 n vn 0us 0 ji el l 1 l ee 4 5 e eg 3 el 4 Remove seal by cutting metal body of seal g f TOOL using sharp tool and then prying out using serew e W 25 driver fig 11 97 Do not damage shaft or pump Q housing 29 8 5 Place Seal Protector J 7586 01 over shaft 6 Lubricate new seal with power steering fluid Fl 1 1l 99 m Pl l1P W and install in pump housing spring side first using Installer J 7728 fig 11 98 Bottom seal in housing Do not use excessive force when installing seal IQ Flu Pump l 9 V0i to P 0D 19Vfl With P0W 7 Install pulley usingToolJ 25033 ig 11 99 Steering fluid and bleed pump as outlined in Fluid dm rusml drive belt and air pump me ur equip l V le dI 1 e 01 er ve 9 Adjust belt tension to specification pump Dlussommy 1 1 Using masking tape cover hose union and pipe i W on pump and clean exterior of pump 2 Remove pump pulley using Tool J 25034 fig 11 96 j 3 Remove reservoir cap and drain oil from pump F V reservoir QR 4 Mount pump in vise with pump shaft pointing Q down as f E PR TE T R T 7 6 1 CAUTION D0 wot clamp pump tightly in vise This j V 2 will distort bushing M I M 5 Remove two reservoir to pump housing studs K and O rings Discard O rings i 6 Remove pressure union Remove 0 ring from r union and discard O ring V 7 Remove flow control valveandspring 8 Remove reservoir from pump by rocking reser voir back and forth and pulling upward sv V 9 Remove reservoir O ring seal on housing and A i discard 4 A i 10 Remove small reservoir to housing O ring seal s E T L Mm from counterbore an housing and discard yl 11 Rotate end plate retaining ring until one end of 1 Muse ring is over hole in housing Unseat ring using 1 8 inch punch and remove ring using screwdriver Flu II QI Instnlllng Pu p hal18 aI fig 11 100