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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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2 u r Tar uc S cclll ll n 3 1 3 8 on 1 51s um II P ca a S r I 2 INCH SPRING Service Sut I o Torques should be usod wIu ru assembling companonts W Fl AT WASHER V EVE Service urrure neeuueex rorques srwuuu ne um wr erunkarrg a f pr torqu d it m 3 4 men SPRING FLAT WASHER s i Service nr use set Te neenwu r rqrr Torque E f 3 sheet upper Arraerrrrrerrr uv 15 2m 5 2540 L1 8 INCH Shock Lower Atuacnment ll 2 20 50 40 55 ggcKE B INCH LENGTH SDrung Pwot Bolts CJ Models 7 7 1B 14 I 45 35 50 SSS B INCH YHREADED Sprung Snackle Bolts CJ Models 7 7 15 14 4 45 35 50 1 2 INCH Sprung Clup U Bolt 19 I6 IB 100 85 I05 El AT W HE 60697 sprrrug cure u aeur uu 2 201 55 4565 Sprung Clup U Bolt 7 16 20 u 40 3642 Flq 12 I0 lI h n Mllllttllll TMI sprrrrg shackle arm vrurm soars cke wag and Model 25 45 Trk 7 9 16 12 75 50 100 Srabuluzer Bar Mounung Bracket uo Frame Flaul I 1 16 INCH DEEP SOCKET FOR REMOVAL Model 46 Trk 7 7 16 20 35 25 40 1 1 I6 INCH SHALLOW SOCKET FOR INSTALLATION Rear sprung From Hanger Snatt Nut and From Shankle Shaft I5 818 55 45 65 Q ff MPE near sprung mer uuerrger shan Nur u5 s um 55 4565 Flear Sprung Sruackle Bolt Model 46 Trk FLAT WASHER 5 8 lE 4 55 45 65 Wheel to Hub Nurs CJ Models 7 I 2 20 S5 65 90 Wheel uo Hub Nurs Cke Wag and Model 2545 Trkr 7 16 20 r 75 65 85 Wheel uo Hub Nuts Model 46 Trk 7 9 16 IB 130 IIO 150 All torque valuas given in foouaounds with dry fits unlass other wusa svecrlued lgzlmzcal ISSEAEED R never ue the Sundnrd Turque speearauuerre arm Ca m r w Menuirrqe 50598 Chart un Section A ol this manual lou any torqus spccillcatiom not listed above Flq 12 11 Ilushlng lkplmnnt Tu Is Geese TECHNICAL BULLETIN REFERENCE M