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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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13A 4 Alll CUNIIITIDNING VI SYSTEM UU PU E T FU cTl0 the unit will not cool If too little refrigerant is metered the system is starved and will not cool The C n p r The mP ls 8 tW Ylmde metering action of the expansion valve is controlled by belt driven pump used to increase the pressure of the tbe teruberature serrsrug bulb mounted uu tbe eutlet frism i me v suction noo ofthe evaporator C l Th d is d in l m f Evaporator The evaporator is an air cooler and the radiator to allow air to flow over the cooling f1 dehumidifier As the refrigerant enters the 8V3P0 8l 0l a d heat mm the refrlgeranb s file core it begins to boil The heat in the air passing over refrigerant passes through the condenser it liquifies tbe evaberater trarrsrers er gives ub its beat to tbe i d s s boiling refrigerant As the air cools the moisture in Receiver Dryer The receiver dryer is a reservoir the air condenses on the evaporator core and is used to store the precise amount of refrigerant drainedvffaswater required by the system The receiver capacity must be adequate to provide a steady flow of refrigerant to the EFm EI m BYBLE Xp3l lSl0l l valve Expansion Valve The thermostatic expansion As the compressor increases the pressure of the valve is located at the inlet side of the evaporator It system refrigerant it also heats it fig 13A 2 The meters the refrigerant to the evaporator If too much hot refrigerant is then pumped into the condenser refrigerant is metered a flooding condition results and where it cools by giving off heat to air passing over 21 msnmusnw L r J ro nn swmzn sxnnsnou varvz K rf V L T I li 4 or r rr iii E PA S VALVE it or Mr r 1 Y a s e a ra J 2l processes Gauss couuscnou er sr mm rwam us u zvaponvon gbminsruc if l mcooums umm Tu e ak H couosussn S sm USMPOUND W j is I4 q A Gauge aim iv m annum L r a r mc vnsssunz r claus Q sucnou owe rr os 4 r e non r rE I r i sucmm same ggrox gosl lr RECEIVER VALVE ws ri VALVE runmunst rg Nr 4 I r comrnzsson l Y i ih i I I i fe s msu ensssun cas L J TI by wm mon msssuns mourn mw vnsesuns was g mama nots nessus tow Persson uoum A 4 Flu ISA 2 Ilalrlqnranlltycln