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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI MII IIGIIIIITIDIIIIIIE I3A 9 comzguuo gnoncvasssune eau AU z Low vnzssunz cournonui c WO on 2 In H E imE i com ggg ggL m B E5 i J E Z sucvnou sznvncs I vA vs th y s ill lp uni x vm sr 0L Wlij il l l F 0I 4 l ii lu VI l i A Dt 0 my s G W Y L SUCMQE l l 1 g e 9 1 zzsoo C p cv macmc VACUUM I sTAT N M g I svaponaroa r0 comwnssson uu IIIIII Fly 13A 7 I m hI Mr Iiundltlnnlnu Sarvln Shtlun 4 Discharge system leaving suction and dis leak most often occurs through the compressor shaft charge service valves in the cracked or midposition seal or service valve gasket 5 Connect vacuum pump hose to vacuum pump A system must contain an adequate quantity of inlet refrigerant to be properly leak tested If a system is 6 Open low pressure hand control valve 1 and completely discharged evacuate and install 1 2 pound the high pressure hand control 2 of refrigerant 7 Start vacuum pump note compound gau External leaks are detected and located with a 4 Z9 reading halide torch Tool J 6084 fig 13A 8 The torch burns 8 Operate pump a minimum of 30 minutes after propane fuel and is equipped with a search hose reaching lowest vacuum When air is drawn into the hose by the torch it con 9 Close vacuum control valve 3 and stop tacts a heated copper reactor ring in the torch If vacuum pump The system is ready for charging refrigerant gas is present in the air the normally light blue flame will change color A small refrigerant leak will change the flame color to yellow A large CNEBKING mn LEAKS refrigerant leak will change it to green or purplish Whenever a system requires more than 1 2 pound blue of refrigerant after a season s operation a serious leak is indicated which must be located and repaired Most leaks will be located at points of connection LMI TOSI PI ICI IIII 0 IISIIIQ II lltIa TlIl Il and are caused by vehicle vibration Correction of this type of leak may only require retightening of the con NOTE Use compressed air to purge test area of nection However some leaks may occur only at per refrigerant This prevents the torch from iruiwating a iods of high traffic on a very warm day This type of leak in an area where mme exists