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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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AIII CUIIIIITIQIIIIIG 13A I7 5 Remove eight evaporator housing to The blower motor blower motor housing and instrument panel retaining screws and the one evaporator core may be serviced after the evaporator evaporator housing to mounting bracket screw fig housingisremoved i ig 13A 18 13A l 7 NOTE It is not necesary to discharge the system to service the blower motor The evaporator housing may Q I be lowered from the instrument panel to gain access to the blower motor attaching screws GT rr an V in E Inslallallan I ll g R 1 Push hoses through grommet opening and in e stall grommet by pushing toward engine compartment gr lm of vehicle SCREW 8 2 Raise evaporator and install evaporator yy housing to instrument panel retaining screws and the SCREW 1 J4 93 EVBDOYBCOI C0 II 0 1IltlI l l 8 l C SCTSW 3 Install hose clamps and grommet retaining Fl l3A 7 EvnpmIn1 IIou ln II unNnq S 5 4 Connect receiver to evaporator hose at quick disconnect coupling 6 Lower evaporator housing and pull hoses and 5 C0 l l t u l ll to mP B grommet through opening 6 Evacuate leak test and charge the system y stowsn Moron uvezs svavonaron ZY uf x Q hr va va a Len uc r g Al 4 U Leuven sxvsusiou wasn svnoaaron for Ne FAN Ann U Tnsnmosrar l E I gl i sezel 2 A Wu 1 t stowsn r i V I SWITCH r r I I V l Q nnam V I M ruse Q I IQ Sgt onommsr M lll gg rter e Z l cournoi 4 g ll lll gb S nee e A re l e g LOUVER Ann sezei N 1 V I l Louvsn il cowrnon M Q THERMDS1 AT Louven Ann BLOWER t QZ common Knos EZEl gouging rr etowsn E site im J 2s Flu ISI III Evnpnnlur Ilaulrw Amnlly