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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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13A IO AIII OONOITIONINO VI Sysnm Truuhlosllnollnq PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSIS CONTROLS AIR LEAKS MAGNETIC CLUTCH BLOWER AIR DISCHARGE Check Auiustmerlts check Reier to Magnetic Check at all CUNNECTING DUCTS O vents clutch Tmunleslwotlnu spsem cneek mr sul leaks anu O Dom suns cnans allgnment Q wlnuew seals REFRIGERATION SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS CHECK DISCHARGE AIR TEMPERATURE Set thermostat at max cool Q Set engine speed at 1500 r m O cneck dlxcnarge alr temnerzture wltn Q Dlscrlarse alr temperature must cor as shawn In Normal Olleratlrlu Tem System coals System does System cycles nrlwlrly cycle temperature cxblllavy tube for recheck dlsctlarqe com an cyclss to dlaqrlcse vr h but at Incorrect Revlace