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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI Alll l20llII TI0lI llIi 13A I9 lllagmtlc Clutch Trnulrleslmallng NORMAL PRELIMINARY CHECKS 2 Place the ianltlon swltch in on posltlon 3 Check to see ll clutch is engaged when the thermostat is turned on and the blower Cl er l S Clutch innovative Disconnect light blue wire lrom thermostat and reconnect Clutch coll Faulty jumoer wire from the battery to the Iillht blue wire clutch onerates Clutch inoperative Disconnect light blue wire at fuse block Connect light blue wire to thermostat and and connect iumpar to terminal disconnect red ware Turn thermostat on and contact jumper wire to red rml l clutch operates Clutch inoperative Oven nircult in light blue wire Connect jumper to brown wire at dash panel connector Connect jumper to red terminal Faulty thermostat on fan switch clutch mpemlve Light blue wire and contact at dash panel Oven circuit luse block connector an brown wire Connect iumver wlre to center lleedl Red wire broken between lan switch terminal on lan swltch and thermostat Clutch onerates Clutch inoperative