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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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14 8 110llIES PARELS FERl1ERS H00 lS BUMPERS I me P u Dnnrs 14 8 Radlaler Grilles 4 4 4 14 9 General 4 4 14 ll Rear Duarler Panels 14 8 GENERAL Assembled sections or any of the individual panels U available for replacement are complete and may be in I 7 stalled as a unit When only a portion of the unit is g J damaged the damaged unit may be cut from the body at the location best suited for welding and the new To 1 unit cut to the desired size and welded in place l L Galvanized Panels J l rr l LM ti I 1 For protection against rust panels vulnerable to l E x corrosion on Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck vehicles I I are galvanized A neutralizer must be applied to these I qc I panels prior to painting to ensure good adhesion of the t 3 arg l vg I Replacement Q 1 Where replacement is required careful examination l should be made as to the extent of damage to deter REAR QUARTER P NEL Ck mine which panels require replacements In most cases the weld joints of one panel to another are visible and can be separated for installa tion ofa new panel i l DOORS M ilfi is The complete door with outer and inner door pan 1 els flanged and welded together and primed is Engg W available as well as the outer panel only eq lgg gw g lg garb ll 4 These outer panels may be used in cases in which lpg Viggg L G the inner panel and pillar assemblies are not damaged Y gy fx to avoid the extra expense of using a complete door 4 L ll l 3 uq 4 T X REAR QUARTER PRNELS L The rear quarter panels are welded to the body as indicated by dotted lines in figures 14 6 through 14 8 Whenever a rear quarter panel is replaced it is very important to apply a suitable rust preventive REAR QUARTER PANEL CJ 7 60586 such as a weld primer to all mating surfaces prior to welding It is also very necessary to seal all welded joints with Jeep Metal Joint Sealer or equivalent En 14 G Rear Quarter Panel GJ