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Jeep Universal Parts List June 1959 |
FUEL SYSTEM Group 12 Jeep Universal Parts List 1 l l Q 3 4 5 iff 12 72 3 3 Q i g L YY 3 1 i iii 1i s i Q S ii M y JV m f e r 1 fl if I M A m mm f S T if C y i Zij1f e are iii is Fm 8 8 FIG 23 FUEL SYSTEM Cj 313 C 1 5r v C l 6 Rell No Description Group No Ref No Description Group No 1 Elbow lql U tube 90 degree 12 04 E Plug pipe qi r 12 01 2 Carburetor 12 04 8 Clip fastener lg t 12 03 3 Strap fuel tank hold down 12 01 9 Line fuel to flexible line 12 03 1 Tank fuel assembly 12 01 10 Connection fuel line to fuel pump 12 03 5 Gauge fuel tank unit 12 02 11 Kit fuel and vacuum pump with gasket 12 09 15 Screw and lockwasher 18 x 7 t 12 01 12 Tube fuel pump to carburetor 12 03 CJ 1 1 Ll Fig No Part No Description 313 5 h GROUP 12 03 FUEL LINES GM 125912 Clip closed 14 tube Fuel line assembly to water pump i 2 2 2 GM 432667 Clip fastener Y1 i 3 3 Fuel line to splash apron 1 Fuel line to hold down bracket 1 23 8 1 Fuel line to diagonal sill 1 78316 Clip tube Lg l l l l l l ll 3 Fuel line to fender splasher 1 Fuel line to front floor sill 1 Fuel line to dash bracket 1 GM 161901 Screw pan hd tapping No 10 M Clip to cross sill l l l GM 159908 Screw pan hd No 10 24 x 1 S lC1ip to fender splasherl 2 GM 271166 Nut and lockwasher No 10 24 and dash bracket 1 l 2 800743 Clip S Hr tube Fuel line to vacuum line l l 4 4 4 23 10 804240 Connection fuel line to fuel pump 1 Flexible 1 1 1 23 9 802048 Tube fuel to flexible line assembly 1 907817 Tube fuel to flexible line assembly l 1 1 23 12 809367 Tube fuel line assembly Fuel pump to carburetor elbow 1 1 1 649512 Tube fuel line assembly 4 l l l 1 1 1 Fuel pump to carburetor elbow For use with fuel filler only 10 18 809368 Tube vacuum line assembly Vacuum pump to tee l 1 1 1 808499 Tube vacuum line assembly Tee to manifold elbow 1 1 1 GROUP 12 04 CARBURETOR 23 2 920337 Carburetor assembly Carter YF 938SC l l 1 1 1 909393 Nut hex K t 24 Carburetor to manifold l 2 2 2 13 19 GM 103195 Stud 16 x 17m Carburetor to head l 2 2 2 809669 Adapter throttle arm l 1 1 1 Gl 1 159908 Screw pan hd No 10 24 x ii Thrott1e arm adapter 1 1 1 GM 271166 Nut and ext lockwasher hex No 10 24 to lever 1 1 1 23 1 GM 137 121 Elbow li tube 90 degree 1 1 1 6 18970 Gasket insulator carburetor 1 1 l 808520 Gasket set carburetor 1 1 1 Consists of 1 Gasket body llange 1 Gasket bowl cover and air horn 2 1 Gasket flange 1 Gasket needle seat 3i