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Jeep Universal Parts List June 1959 |
l LECTR1 L Jeep Universal Parts List Group 1 I mt I I P z i Q pl y z A hz Z 3 1 V ii s 4 j I t 1 t Qi i it s ii L ESBEES 1 10 si 1 swircr ms iC l 3B t fZ l 5 ci 1 ti Rui N0 Description Group Nu Rel l E CSC11 W11 I Group N0 1 Switch st 0 light 15 14 3 S t l li 1 ti r 15 12A 2 Switch hezixllight t 00t dnnrnez 15 12 4 Sixitirli and starter 15 13A LJ t r 1 1 1 N0 Pnrt N0 Description 313 5 6 GROUIP 15 13A IGNZITION SWITCH 802571 Switch ignition assembly less 10ck cylinder ancl keys 1 1 1 808137 Screw and lockwasher pan hd N0 8 32 x il c Switch wires 3 3 3 664715 Cylinder iggnition switch 10ck With tw0 keys 1 1 1 664713 Key igniticin switch Series C 250 t0 C 499 2 2 2 Give key number when ordering Key Type Starter Switch 38 4 915769 Switch ignition and starter assembly less 10ck cylinder and ke s 1 1 1 V Y GM 271169 Nut and leckwasher hex N0 10 32 Cable terminals t0 switch 4 4 1 807749 Bezel ignitibn and starter switch 1 1 1 119233 Cylinder ignition 10ck assembly VK ith two 1 eys 1 1 1 664713 Key ignition switch Series C 250 1 0 C 499 2 2 2 Give key number when Ordering 807743 Spring igni ti0n and starter switch 1 1 1 GROUP 15 14 STOP LIGHT SWITCH 38 1 647801 Switch stop light assembly 1 1 1 G RO UF l 15 17 HORN AND BRACKET Sparks VVithingt0n 33 32 6454 61 I 10rn assembly Less bracket 6 volt 1 1 1 34 32 915704 Horn assen 1 1y Less bracket 12 volt 1 1 1 G1 1 271163 Nut and Zuckwasher hex N0 8 32 2 2 2 Horn cable t0 terminals t0 h0rn 6 and 12 v0ltQ 645896 Bracket h0rn assembly 6 and 12 v0lt 1 1 1 Gl 1 121743 Nut hex N0 12 24 Horn bracket 6 and 12 v0lt 3 2 GIVI 121744 L0ckwash r N0 12 t0 h0rn 6 and 12 v 1l V 2 2 iw