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Jeep Universal Parts List June 1959 |
INSTRUMENTS Jeep Universal Parts List V g 7 rrM IJ IJ IJ Fig No Part No Description 3B 5 6 GROUP 1 5 18 lElA I l ERY SUPPORT Continued GM 120214 Lockwasher 5 i Battery clamp bolt i 2 2 2 805039 Frame battery hold down assembly 6 volt l 4 1 1 1 916467 Frame battery hold clown assembly 12 volt 4 1 11 1 648439 Clip 9 i 10 N r 4 y 4 648438 Bolt and washer 5 py 10 x M hex Radiator to guard panel assembly 4 4 4 GROUP 15 18A BATTERY CABLES V A 9093 Bolt and nut battery clamp terminal assembly 2 2 2 907558 Cable positive battery to starter assembly Use with floor starter 6 volt 1 1 1 33 l3 800521 Cable positive battery to starter solenoid assembly Key starter 6 volt 1 1 1 34 13 919337 Cable positive battery to starter solenoid assembly Key starter 12 volt 1 1 1 90 7559 Cable starting switch to starting motor assembly l l l 3Q C Use with floor starter 6 volt 3 Qi 919345 Cable battery ground assembly 12 volt 1 1 1 W 120748 Kit battery ground strap 6 volt 1 1 1 GM 120758 Bolt hex hcl 3g 24 x ig 5 S 1 1 1 GM 120369 Nut hex il 24 Battery ground strap to frame 6 volt I l l GM 178551 Lockwasher g 2 2 2 GM 120213 Bolt hex M 24 1 ibgu l 1 I GM 178532 Lockwasher 5 l Batte ry ground strap to frame 12 volti 2 2 2 GM 120368 Nut hex 5 j Q 24 g ig 1 1 1 A 1098 Strap engine ground 1 1 1 GM 120647 Bolt hex hd i g 24 x 1 l 1 1 1 909393 Nut hex Kg 24 QEngine ground strap toi l I I l GM 178551 Lockwasher il g engine plate 2 2 2 GM 120382 Lockwasher S fl gg l 1 l 1 GM 178532 Lockwasher M6 Ground strap under engine insul mounting bolt head 2 2 2 642366 Terminal cable 3 3 3 GVROUJP 16 01 IlNSTRUMEN I S Use with Old Style Instrument Panel Individual Instruiments 640761 Ammeter assembly complete 1 A 17647 Bracket mounting arnmeter 1 GM 271169 Nut and locl washer hex N0 10 32 Ammeter mounting 2 A 8132 Bracket mounting fulel gauge to dash 1 GM 271169 Nut and lockwasher hex No 10 32 Fuel gauge mounting 2 A 8131 Bracket mounting oil gauge 1 G M 27l169 Nut and lockwashezr hex No 10 32 Oil gauge mounting 2 800207 Bracket mounting temperature gauge 1 A 17160 Bushing reducing heat indicator plug to cylinder head l 1 A 5449 Clip 5 m 1 GM 454783 Screw and lockwashler pan hd No 10 24 x Oil gauge tube to dash I GM 137421 Elbow l inverted flared tube Flexible conneclgioin to engine l 640763 Gauge fuel assembly complete dash unit Aut Lite 1 8 0208 Gauge oil pressure assembly complete A1 lto L ite 1 8 0205 Gauge temperature assembly complete Auto Lite 1 GM 271169 Nut and lockwasher hex No 10 32 Temperature gauge mounting A 2 345961 Grommet Oil pressure gauge and temperature gauge tube 2 Use with New Style Instrument Panel Cluster Note No 1 l ILir1g Seeley 6 volt Up to Serzlal No 5734835522 C 3B 57548 49248 C 5 57748 12577 Cj 6 Note N0 2 Stewart Warner 6 volt After Serial No 57348 35521 Cj 3B l E5 7 48 4924 7 48 1257 6 and up to Serial No 57348 39839 C 3B 57548 61685 C 5 57748 13411 C 6 Note No 3 Stewart Warner 6 and 12 volt After Serial No 57348 34838 C 3B 57548 61684 C 5 57748 1341 0 C 6 61