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Jeep Universal Parts List June 1959
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HOOD Jeep Universal Parts List Group 30 i lil 1 1 3 J x cr if 4 i Z I i 2A i I V 2 V A A nvpwivm A J wx i V 1 Fi ig it V V 1 az i V 12 1 1 l 4 l 1 l Ji V 1 i Vi 1 1 sf FIG 70 FRONT FENDER Cj z jt nl Ref No Description Group No Ref No Description Group N0 1 Sem and eS E13 ii i EZ TQ iTlQ Ol YllZ 2h i f Y lglgl 2 Catch hood assembly 30 01 IJ IJ l Fig No Part No l esc1riptio n SB 5 6 GROUP 30 01 HOOlD Continued 688927 Bracket support hoodl hinge assembly 4 1 1 GM 425389 Screw and lockwasher 5 ll 18 x 3 Support bracket and radiator tie rod 3 3 71 3 691731 Bumper hood top windshield l l 2 7l 4 GM 159962 Screw pan lid No 10 24 x 1 4 j r 4 71 S GM 120385 Washer plain No 10 Bumper to hood 4 71 7 8 GM 27l166 Nut and lockwasher No 10 24 4 69 i 663548 Catch hood assembly 2 2 2 70 2 69 2 GM 120854 Bolt hex hd MJ 20 X 4 69 10 GM 271172 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 20 Hood catch to 4 69 1 GM 120393 Washer plain ll front fender 4 70 3 GM 9409106 Screw and lockwasher 20 x My 4 4 72 3 689293 Cover hood l 2l 3tll 1 tube opening r 1 1 72 4 GM 454783 Screw and lockwasher No 10 24 x M Opening cover to hood 2 2 71 2 670948 Hinge hood assembly 1 GM 9409107 Screw and loclcwasher hex hd ll 20 x t Hood hinge 5 GM 120392 Washer Hat P1 to cowl 5 688739 Hinge hood left assembly Hood hall 1 1 72 5 688740 Hinge hood right assembly Hood half l 1 1 72 6 GM 425389 Screw and lockwasher ivu 18 x 1 l Hood hinge to hood 6 6 688943 Hinge hood left assembly Cowl half 1 1 72 7 688944 Hinge hood right assembly Cowl half 1 l Gl L425389 Screw and lockwasher Q 18 x ii Hood lislngge to cowl 4 4 1117