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Jeep Universal Parts List June 1959
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Jee p Universal Parts List lluscriptinu lroup No 1h t rip i ri nninp N N Nut wing im 18 35 17 Nut amd l o l washer hex K 24 15 01 Nut and loc kwasher hex N0 8 32 1517 Nut and loirlcwasher hex i1e 24 26 01 Nut and l0r kwashe r hex N0 10 24 12 03 Nut and 1or l washer he x 11 24 31 04 Nut and 1ockwasher hex N0 1024 12 04 Nut and lo kwashei hex 1 24 31 13 Nut and 10ckwasher hex N0 10 24 12 08 Nut aind loiskwasher hex M 24 35 02C Nut and lockwasher hex N0 1024 14 03 Nut amd lorkwasher hex 1e 24 35 04 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 16 01 Nut and lorkwasher hex M 24 15 1 1 Nut and lockwashezr hex N0 10 24 30 01 Nui and lo i kwasher hex 1 24 35 17 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 31 03 Nut and rel ainer 1 I 20 31 1 l Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 1 254 31 03B Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 31 04B O Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 31 09 O ring 35 05 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 35 17 O ring hearing seal 3505 Nut and lockwasher hex No 10 24 35 21A O ring cslrraft steel 35 05 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 24 35 86A Oiler 15 01 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 12 02 Oiler 15 0 1 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 115 07 Oil seal 12 00 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 15 OQA Oil seal ad 2ipter plate 17 01 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 115 12A Oil seal axle shaft carrier end 21 05 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 15 13A Oil seal erarrkshaft front end 1001 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 16 01 Oil seal 1 1ll1 1 Sh31 1 front end 10 03 Nut and lockwasher hex N0 10 32 16 04 Oil seal fell 20 00 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 20 1 4 03 Oil seal front axle shaft inner 20 05 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 I 20 15 04 Oil seal fr0nt bearing 35 08 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 I 20 1 507 Oil seal front bearing retainer 17 01 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 20 15 09B Oil seal front bearang retainer 17 02 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 r 20 15 13 Oil seal frorlt hub 25 03 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 r 20 15 17 Oil seal inlet valve spring retainer 10 08 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 I 20 3001 Oil seal input and output shaft 02C Nut and lockwasher hex 1gr 1 20 31 13 Oil seal lever shaft 23 02 Nur andl lockwasher hex 1 I 20 E15 17 Oil seal pinion 20 0 1 Nut ancll lockwasher hex 1 20 35 21 A Oil seal piriiori 21 04 Nut andl lockwasher hex 1 020 35 26A Oil seal pulley drive 35 0 1 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 l 20 35 59 Oil seal r0c l er arm cover 10 01 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 r 20 35 86A Oil seal rocker arm cover 10 10A Nut and lockwasher hex 1 r 20 35 86B Oil seal ruhl er and backing ring assembly 2000 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 28 15 05 Oil seal shift rod 18 01 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 28 150913 Oil seal shift rod 18 07 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 I 28 3 5 08 Oil seal 11 31Zl S1 111SS1 Il reverse shifting arm Nur and lockwasher hex 1 r 28 35 26A pivot 17 00 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 l 28 35 59 Outrigger body left No 1 J6 01 Nut and loekwasher hex Gig 18 24 01 Outriggger body right No 1 26 01 Nui and loekwasher hex 5 18 31 03 Outriggger body left and right No 2 and Nut and lockwasher hex 1 1r 18 31 07B No 3 26 in Nut and lockwasher hex 21ii 18 35 26A Nut and lockwasher hex 511 018 35 86A P Nut and lockwasher hex 210 I 24 10 16A Pack ground brush holder 1501 Nut and lockwasher hex 24 24 10 23 Package field coil 15 02 Nut and lockwasher hex ile 24 11 02 Packing rear bearing tzap 10 01 Nut and loekwasher hex Gm 24 11 03 Packing rear bearing cap 10 0 3 Nut and lockwasher hex 2 rn 24 13 01 Pad brake gbedal assembly 2 1 08 Nut and lockwasher hex 2 24 15 13 Pad buffer lambs wool ik hole 35 54 Nut and lockwasher hex 0 l 24 23 02 Pad buffer rubber backing 1 a hole 35 5 1 Nut and lockwasher hex 4 rig 24 24 O1 Pad buEfer rubber backing 1y hole 35 54 Nut and lockwasher hex j 24 26 01 Pad buffer rubber backing il hole 35 54 Nut and loekwasher hex Mg 24 28 03 Pad clutch pedal assenibly 11 03 Nut and lockwasher hex 2m 24 35 11A Pad cushion rear passenger seat assembly 31 07B Nut and lockwasher hex 24 35 26A Pad draft jriedal shank 11 0 Nut and lockwasher hex 1 01 16 35 26A Pad draft iliedal shank 24 08 Nut and lockwasher hex 11 24 10 12 Pad left t li1i t 1i control tube 11 0 Nut and lockwasher hex 11 11 24 10 22 Pad knob ir ur1 np 53 gl Nut and lockwasher hex 11 i 24 10 23 Pad seat bairk spring 31 0TA Nut and lockwasher hex 11 24 12 06 Pad seat back spring 31 0712 Nut and loekwasher hex 1 Z4 12 07 Pan crenter lloor assembly 31 09 Nut and loekwasher hex M 24 14 03 Pam vL1s h orl assembly 11 OTA 1 L