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<- Engine Jeep Universal Parts List December 1967
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JEEP UNIVERSAL VEHICLES GI OU Gpgup DGSC1 iDti0n No Description No C C lamp assembly 13 0 Clip trjni 3 O4 Tlann bracket mounting signal switch 15 09G Clip tube fuel and return line l2 03 Clamp closed return line to oil pan 12 03 Clip tube 24 07 Cl imil diSU iUUl01 15 03 Clip vacuum line hose to fuel line 10 16A Clamp exhaust pipe 13 01 Clip wiring harness 15 07 i i lamp filter to bracket 12 03C Clip and bumper assembly 25 01 lamtJ hand brake COIldLl1t 24 01 Cluster iilgtrument aggembly 16 O4 ld lil harness directional switch 15 09C Clutch assembly lj 01 Clainp hose 14 06 Cock drain cylinder 10 02 Clamp hose 35 86 Coil cover and gasket thermostat 12 04 lfianip hose 5 8 12 03 Coil field set 15 01 tildillill hose 2 3 4 12 05 Coil ignition 15 05 lamp hose nipple 10 19 Coil ignition assembly l 15 05 Clamp hose radiator 14 02 Collar air duct and heater t 35 21A lamp hose tank and fuel line 12 03 Collar stop drive 15 02 fflctnip hose to valve 35 99 Collar thrust drive 15 02 Clzuiip muffler and muffler tail Collector oil countershaft pipe support 13 01 gear assembly 17 05 twlitilll oil cup assembly 12 05 Column and bearing steering ii ily 23 02 Qlainp seat leg 31 07E Column and remote control shy Clamp stator leads to rectifier 15 01A assembly 23 02 Cl i np steering column assembly LHD 23 02 Column bearing and bracket esembly 23 02 l unp tie rod 23 01 Condenser 15 03 ffl tmp tube to oil pan 12 03 Cone and rollers axle shaft saring 21 05 jlai np vent hose to valve and Cone and rollers differential bearing 21 03 cover vent 10 18 Cone and roller front wheel outer Cltmp windshield assembly 31 03 bearing 25 03 Cleaner air assembly 12 05 Cone and rollers king pin bearing 20 07 i Cleaner and silencer air assembly 12 05 Cone and rollers output shaft bearing 18 04 Clovis adjustable 5 16 24 01 Cone and rollers pinion bearing 21 04 Clip l 8 15 07 Cone and rollers power take off input Clip 3 8 31 03A and output shaft 3 1 4 O D x 1 I D 35 02C Clip 5 16 24 07 Cone and roller rear axle shaft bearing 21 05 Clip 5 16 to 1 4 12 03 Connection Flexible 10 18 Flip l 2 for 3 8 bolt 10 17 Connection Flexible 12 03 Clip accelerator rod 12 08 Connection 3 way 15 07 Clip automatic air feed pipe 12 04 Connector 12 09 Clip Carr Fastener 24 01 Connector 3 16 flared tube 10 17 Clip closed 31 03A Connector flexible air cleaner 12 05 Clip closed 1 4 24 07A Connector inverted flared tube 1 8 35 21A Clip closed 7 16 15 07 Connector 6 wire slip type 15 07 Clip fastener 35 21A Connector swivel 24 05 Clip front 27 03 Connector tube 10 02A Clip hose 35 21A Contact set breaker 15 03 Clip loop type 3 16 R H D 24 07A Container water windshield washer 35 51 Clip master cylinder shield rear L H D 24 06 Control governor assembly 35 08 Clip mounting retainer 15 07 Control choke assembly 12 06 Clip pump rod 12 04 Control heater plenum chamber and Clip rear spring 27 03 defroster control 35 21A Clip rear spring leaf 27 02 Core heater 35 21A Clip rebound 27 01 Countershaft 17 05 Clip retracting spring 24 01 Coupling air filter pump 35 99 Clip return spring L H D 11 02 Coupling reducing 10 18 Clip rod end 12 08 Cover air cleaner 12 05A Clip shoe guide pin 24 04 Cover and chain tail gate left assembly 31 10 Clip spark plug cable lower 15 06 Cover and tube end steering Clip spring 35 21A gear oil seal 23 02 310