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<- Engine Jeep Universal Parts List December 1967
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JEEP UNIVERSAL VEHICLES Group Group Description No Description No P P Pin interleek shift lever 17 Q1 Plate baclixing emergency brake 24 01 pin iiitpripcii Shift reii 17 06 Plate backing front brake assembly 24 04 pin king bearing Cap 30 07 Plate ba l i7ng front left assembly 24 04A pm iwgi H 15 03 Plate ba l i n g front right assembly 24 04A Pin look roto down 7 1 07r Plate ba l i i e rear brake left Pin lock pinion mate shaft 720 03 aSS mbl y 7 24 04 pin ipck pivpt piii 30 05 Plate baclting rear brake right piii ipckiiig king piii 30 07 assembly 24 04 Pin punip idlgp gga y PlZlt bI E l Il E Y Pin parking brake lever to shoe 7 24 04 Plat bI 1iE9l l assembly 15 O2 Pin piston 7 10 05 Plate cover 10 18 pip pivot lever 7 11 01 Plate eereln treat tleer part ererlee Pin pivot gvgy L 1 ll D 7 rio pivot steering knuckle 20 06 Plate eater treat tleer par L H D 31 14 rin power take on sion lever 7 35 02e Plate eeveirn newer tal e eff heariaa Pin I O kgI aym l t1B77l1 l I L 7 Pin roll 12 08 Plate cover power take off shift Pip Shift fgrk i 17 05 lever op ening L H D 31 14 Pin shoe guide 7 o 7 24 04 Plate COV ll 7 St l ll1 Ctllllmll aC SS Pip Spgggyt gxlg g i 1ft 21 03 L lEi D 31 14 pin spring pump link 12 04 Plate e rer Steering eelumrt ereaiae Pin steering knuckle 7 20 O6 left Side H D 1 3l l l Pip gtgpy pggigtg eeptrei Spririg 17 07 Plate cover top bow socket 35 86 Pin tail gate hinge 7 long 31 10 Plate cover transfer case shift lever pin hippie Nm 0 17 01 opening L H D 31 14 Pin trunnion 35 02D Plate ee v er tranemieeien fleer pipe air fggdi uppgy 35 99 assembly L H D 31 14 Pipe air pump outlet left 35 99 Plate cover upper front floor pan L H D 31 14 Pipe air pump outlet right 7 35 99 Plate drarw bar 26 04 Pipe automatic choke air feed 7 12 04 Plate driven clutch assembly Pipe automatic choke lower assembly 12 04 For 9 1 4 c lutch 11 01 Pipe automatic choke upper assem bly 12 04 Plate en ir1e front assembly 10 23 Pipe exhaust assembly 7 13 01 Plate en7g ine rear 10 23 Pipe exhaust and crossover Plate filler fuel tank assembly 31 06 assembly left 13 01 Plate fuel distribution 10 19 Pipe exhaust Y assembly 7 13 01 Plate idler and countershaft lock 17 05 Pipe pump to carburetor assernblia 12 09 Plate i itit 31 03 Pipe tail 7 13 01 Plate lock 17 04 Piston assembly 24 06 Plate lock exhaust manifold bolt 10 19 Piston front brake cylinder asse mb1y 24 05 Plate lock idler and countershaft 17 O1 Piston rear brake cylinder asse mt ly 24 05 Plate lock intermediate shaft 18 05 Piston and cup slave section Plate lock amounting 35 86A assembly 7 7 24 06 Plate lock shaft 17 01 Piston and pin assembly std 7 77 77 7 10 06 Plate m 1 unt ing windshield to roof panel 35 86 Piston and shoe guide Plate name 30 01 rear brake cylinder assembly 24 05 Plate power take off drive housing Pivot seat hinge 31 07B shift lever 35 0213 Pivot transmission reverse Pl7ate pressure 11 01 shifting arm 7 7 17 06 Plate rear view mirror 35 86 Pivot and arm connecting assembly Plate rectifier mounting 15 01A 27 1 2 long 7 7 31 03A Plate reinforcement 26 04 Plate adapter 7 10 22 Plate retaining cover 35 0213 Plate adapter bellhousing to Plate retaining power take off lever 35 0213 transmission 7 7 10 22 Plate rub 35 17 Plate adapter transmission to Plate rub door curtain door handle 35 17 transfer case 7 7 17 01 Plate rub front door 35 17 Plate backing brake assembly 24 O4 Plate seal retainer 20 06 321