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Jeep Universal Parts List December 1967 Engine ->
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GENERAL GENERAL EEP UNIVERSAL VE IQICLES HNFORNQATION H N lG E NlERAL INF RMA T ON This parts list covers serviceable items for Models C I 3EI C 5 C 5A C 6 C 6A Dj 5 and D l 6 with 4 cylinder F Head Engine and V6 225 Engine Numerical Index Located at the back of the hook this index lists part numbers in sequence followed by description group and subgroup numbers Alphabetical Index J At the back of the book just following the Numerical Index the Alphabetical Index lists items by name Item riames are arranged alphabetically followed by group and subs group numbers Abbreviations Follow the Group Index Illustrations Zlillusirations bear a figure number and caption and a legend in dicating reference number description and group and sub groulps Standard Parts These are listed in the Alphabetical Index in sequence according to size as well as the Numerical Index by part number sequence The purpose for which the parts are required is shown in the group listing inset under the item with which they are used or attached Special Equipment and Accessories Those available from the Parts Division are listed in Group 35 Weldi ng Assemblies A Welding Assembly c nsist s of two or more sheet metal parts welded together at the plant in a fixture for accuracy Parts for assemblies which cannot be welded to advantage in the field are not listed except in occasional instances where the cost of a welding assembly would be ezvrcessive Engine Code Nuum ber Loca tion Engine Code number is stamped on top of the water pump boss at upper front end of cylinder block on the F Head Engine and stamped on the left front face of the crankcase just below the rocker arm cover on the V 6 Engine Engine Code for 1965 KLH Engine Code for 1966 is KMH Engine Code for 1967 is KNH however a manufacturer s code is also affixed to the engine between the inner ports of the exhaust manifold RU for manual shift Undersize Bearings and or Oversize F isz ons Deiinite information is given by letters stamped after the engine serial number on the 4 F Head Engine only Code is as follows Letter A 10 001 A indicates l0 undersize main and connect ing rod bearings Letter B 1l0 001 B indicates 0Zl0 oversize pistons Letters AlE3 1l 00l AB indicates l lO undersize main and rod bearings and 01C oversize pistons 3