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Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975
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lLJSAGE CODESEEL When a part is peculrar to vehicles with certain serial numbers usage codes consisting of letters are shown in parentheses following the de e c iption If no usage code is shown the part is used on all applicable model FJ 8A vehicles The e p lanation of the usage codes in this manual is as follows Al This code rs applrcable to vehicles equipped with engrnes having the valve rocker arms attached to the cylinder head by brldge pivots The serial numlaers of these vehicles are 320001 thru 320982 320987 thru 321034 thru 3210134 and 520001 thru 520019 ll3l Thrs code rs applicable to vehicles equipped wrth engrnes having shaft mounted valve rocker arms The serial numbers ol these vehicles are 32095133 thru 320986 321035 thru 327973 420001 thru 421930 and 520020 thru 520098 Cl This code is applicable to vehicles equipped with the ll lodel Ol l 5 258 Cl D engine The serial numbers of these vehrcles are 421931 thru 423824 and 520099 thru 520197 HOVV TO TORDER SERVIll lE PARTS List the part number quantity and descrip ion of the parts Detrne shrpprng rnstructrons on other than scheduled stock orders Unless designated shipment will be made by motor freight or parcel post at the discretion of the shipper Address parts orders to Plans Department l l General Corporation 701 W Chippewa Avenue Seuth Bend Indiana 4llE Z323 Personnel are on duty to accept telephone orders from 7 lZIl0 A l l to 5 00 P l l Eastern Standard Time five days per week The teleplrcrne numbers are 12 1 lE l 287 5011 extensions 4 47 or 448 or 219 287 7844 DAMAGED il ll Pl IIENTS SHOR l AGES OR ERRORS All shipments are properly packed and are in good order when delrvered to the transportation company Responsibility ends with such delivery When zzr damaged shrpment is received a claim should be filed immediately against the carrier making delivery All claims for shortages or errors rrr paclkrrrg must be madem to the same address from which the parts were ordered within ten l10l clays lrom receipt of shiprrrent and must be accompanred by the original packing slrp with proper notation of shortage or error srgned by responsible person in receivrng department III