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Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975
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2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title Figure Number Title Figure Number Section 9 Section 14 w Rear Axle 4 i 9 1 Hood and Grrlle I I V I V 14 1 Differential i i i 9 2 Body Front End 4 I i 14 2 Section 10 Body Sides i t i i 14 3 Tre Rod i 10 1 Body Rear i I V 14 4 Drag Llnk V i 4 V IO 2 Underbody 4 V V 14 5 Steernng Damper i ii i 10 3 Side Door i i i 14 6 Steerlng Gear 1 10 4 Rear Overhead Door r r r 14 7 Steering Column and Shaft r 10 5 Body Roof r r r 14 B Section 11 Seat Belt I r r r 14 9 Hand Parking Brake r 11 1 Seat r t 14 10 Wheel Brakes 11 2 Sun Visor 14 11 Wheel Cylinders 11 3 l Iirror Convex 14 12 Master Cylinder 11 4 Side l Ilrror Left 14 13 Brake Warning Valve Switch 11 5 Sade Nlirror Right 14 14 Brake Hoses Tubes 11 6 lnslde l Iirror 14 15 Brake Pedal 11 7 Wlndshield Washer 14 16 Wheels 11 8 Windshleld Wiper 14 17 Section 12 Windshield Wiper and Washer Switch 14 18 Frame Assembly 12 1 Section 15 Section 13 Heater 15 1 Front Spring and Shock Absorber 13 1 T Rear Spring and Shock Absorber 13 2 AM General Corporation