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Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975
PrevPrevious Page - Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975Next Page - Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975Next
fl ENGINE 1 1 Section 1 List of Illustrations Title Figure Number Cylinder Bllo k 4 1 1 Cylinder Head Valves Spring Tappets Homzker Arms anld Push Rods 1 4 4 1 2 Crankshaft Vibration Damper and Main Elearings 1 3 Connecting Rods and Bearings Pistons F ins and Rings 1 4 Valve Rocker Arlm Cover A B i r 1 5 Valve Rocker Arm Cover C 4r 1 6 Camshaft and Timing Chain 4 1 7 Oil Pump r 4 4 4 1 8 Oil Pan o o4 1 9 Oil Filter 1 1O Engine Mounting l 4 1 11 Manifolds A 8e I3 r 4 1 12 Manifolds C 1 13 ANI General Corporation