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Model FJ-8A Service Parts Catalog September 1975
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VI SPECIAL TOOLS 16 3 Part Quantity Item Number D e s rlptio ri PEI VBIIICIG LHD RHD TFIAlNSM SSION TOOLS IIVI 11 1 261 9 Slide Hammer J 2623 Seal Rernover J 5853 Ineh Pound Torque Wrench J 5864 Dial Indicator Support Rod J 5875 Front Ctlutcxh Spring Compressor J 5880 8 250 Gauge Block J 5886 01 Rear Cllutch Spring Compressor J 5907 3 Gauge Hose J 6115 Holding Fixture J 6494 17 Bushing Installer J 6840 Pressure Giauge J 8400 11 Sliator Support Rear Bushing and Clutpuit Bushing Installer J 9618 Bearing Retainer Bushing Remover and Installer J 21054 2 Case Rear Bushing Remover and Installer J 22182 Pump Bodly Bushing Remover and Installer 1 22698 Rear Band Adjusting Tool J 23335 Bushing Installer J 23499 Solenoid Tester A XL E AIND PROPELLER SHAFT TOOLS C 3281 Ulniversal Joint Flange Holding V reni h C 4142 GlearFlo1 ating Tool W 99B Pinion and Ring Gear Setting Gauge Includes dial indicator sell W 1OO Bearing Cup Installer W 104B Roller Bearing Puller Sei Includes V l 104 Puller V l lO 4 j21 Adapter SIP 1 100 Extension CZ 293 1El Adapter W 126 Driver W 284 Diffierential Carrier Housing Spreader W 147 Flinion Shaft Oil Seal Driver W 172 I Universal Joint Flange Puller W 188 Ejlifferential Case Bearing Cone Driizer W 251 Pinion Shaft Oil Seal Puller C 637 Puller C 3095 Eiileeve Installer SP 1 997 S ileeve Tclol W 101 3A CZ Clamp W 1 86 Driver W 343 Puller W 355 Nut Wrench AM General Cicvrporizzntion