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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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ENGINE 1 1 Secuon 1 List Of llluslraitiizimsi Tltle Figure Number Cylinder Block Ei Cylinder 4 1 1 1 Cylinder Head A 2 sernbly 6 Cylinder 1 i i 1 1 2 Connecting Rod zind Ipiston Assembly 6 C ylir i ei 1 3 Cylinder Head Cover 5 Cylinder 1 li 1 4 Crankshaft Asserrwhly 6 Cylinder i L 4 i 1 5 Camshaft and Tirning Chain 6 Cylinder i i 1 6 Manifolds 6 Cylinder i 1 7 Oil Pump 6 Cylin c e r l l 1 8 Oil Pan 6 Cylinctlerl l 4 1 9 Oil Filter 6 Cylirider i 1 10 l Engine Mounting 5 Cylinder 1 11 Valve Grind Gasket Set 6 Cylinder 112 Engine Lower Ga 2 l er Get 6 Cylinder 1 13 I Cylinder Block Eislcins and Connecting Rnds EE Cyliiirl ei l 1 14 l Cylinder Head Assernliiy 8 Cylinder L l 1 15 Crankshafy Caiinsnafiz and Frenr Cover 8 lvlin i ler i 1 16 Manifolds 8 Cylinder 4 i l i oi 1 17 Oil Pan and F urr ti JEL Cylinder 1 L e 4 1 18 Valve Grind Ga sl let Set 8 Cylinder 1 19 Engine Lower Gaskel Set 8 Cylinder il 1 i 1 20 Engine Mounts IE Cylinder i l 1 21 AM General C i rp i zi1tii n