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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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IVI FUEL SYSTEM 3 11 Part ltem Number Description Oty Figure 3 4 All CLEANER ASSEIVIBILVV HB C2l r inder l 5354583 Air Cleaner Assembly 4 1 1 8120004 Cap Air Cleaner 1 T 2 S I A Gasket Air Cleaner Cap i 1 l 3 8992661 Element Air Filter 1 4 8121269 Pizilywrap Air Cleaner 1 5 S l A Base Air Cleaner l 1 6 S A Hose Air Cleaner to l lciter l 1 7 S l A l lose CTO t0 Exhaust Sensor 1 8 8121111 l it Sensor Air Cleaner lm l 1 liEEll 2ilZl lI 1 ll Cprisists ef Sensor Gzzisltei and 2 Speed Nuts l 9 S A Clip l lose 1 I 10 8121115 Nllptpr Air Temperature CZOritr il li a i uurn 1 ll 11 N S Wingnut 1 4 20 1 l 12 3225658 Stud Air Cleaner ter Carliiuretcir l1 4 20 1 l 13 3191884 Gazsaketi Air Cleaner t0 Carburatlnr 1 l 14 N S l0 s e Air Cleaner to Oil Filler Czzlp 1 l 15 3229842 Du t l0t Air 1 AM General l 0ll l 0l l3lZll0ll1