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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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VI FUEL SYSTEM 3 21 Part Item Number Description Ot Figure 3 10 FUIEEL LINES 1 N S Clarnp Fuel Return Line I I I I I 2 2 N S Hose Fuel Return Line ii OOHl I I I I I 1 3 N S Screw I5 16 18 X 62 II I I I I I I 3 4 N S Clip Fuel Return and Brzrke l Iir1eIs II I I I I III 2 5 5355393 Tube Fuel Return Front Fuel Frrrnp to Rear Return Line I III I 1 6 N S Clarnp Furel Return Line I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I 3 7 N S l lo s e Coupling Front to Rear Fuel Return Lines 5 00 I I 1 8 N S Clarnp Fuel Line I I I II I II I II I II I IIIIII 3 9 N S l lo1 s e Coupling Front to Fleer Ftrel Lrne EMOCYI I I IItI 1 10 N S S Tilip Front Fuel Tube to Front Furel Return Tube I III 1 11 5355518 Lrnrisr Front Fuel 6 Cylinder IIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 5355394 Lrnrzr Front Fuel 8 Cylinder I I I II I IIIIIIII I II III I IIII I 1 I Il 12 N S Clernp Hose Front Fuel Line to Furel Pump IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 g 13 l l SS l Iors e Front Fuel Line to Fuel F rIrnrrp 1 lIOO IIIIIIIIIIII I 1 14 N S Clip Fuel Line to Left Side Rzril I II III I I I II II I III 1 15 N S I lozrse Fuel Return Orange I ylr n I l1OIOO l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 16 N S Hor e I Coupling Fuel Return to Furerll Tarrlr 5 00m II I II I IIII 1 17 N S Clamp Coupling Hose to Fuel lZaarrrl I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 18 N S I loe e I Coupling Fuel Line to Fuel Tank 5 00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 19 N S I orare Furel Line Black N ylonl 111xOO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 AM General i 0lI 1I O l l3lll0II1