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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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lE E lx l EiS Ol l CONTFlOl A l Z EXHAUST SYSTEM 4 7 E Part ltem Number Description Oty Figiure 4 3 VAiCl l 1LlM ADVANCE M ZZlLlll AiT IZ R SYSTEM 6 Cylinder 1 N S Hose Spark CTO Switch to Disstrributpr 13 50 r 1 2 N S Strap Vacuum Hoses to Roclizer flower i T 1 3 N S Hose Spark CTO Switch Tube to illarburetor Ported Vacuum 1 4 5352832 Tube Spark CTO Switch to 11 arii1 pld Vacuum Hose 1 5 5352831 Tube Spark CTO Switch to ZZ is1 ributpr Vacuum Hose 1 6 5352833 Tube Spark CTO Switch to IZarI iuret i r Ported Vacuum Hose i A 1 7 N S Hose Spark CTO Switch to 1 aciutiirri Tube 3 8 3216448 Switch Spark CTO Vacuum l orted1 1 9 N S Hose Spark CTO Switch Tube to Manifold Vacuum Fitting 1 10 3168875 Clip Spark CTO Switch Tube 1 11 3216515 Fittiirig Manifold Vacuum 1 i 1 Figure 4 4 EXHAUST GAS REC 1C UI AT lli 6 Cylinder 1 3225551 Tube Vacuum Ported Switch l 1pse 1 0 Carburetor Hoses 1 2 N S Hose Vacuum 1 3 3221283 Gasket EGR to Manifold 1 4 3218739 Valve EGR 1 5 N S Lockwasher 5 16 2 6 N S Bolt EGR Valve to Manitolcl il5 llEi 18 X 7 8 2 7 N S Hose EGR to Switch 1 8 3226361 Switch Vacuuim Ported 1 9 N S Hose Vacuum 1 1 10 3168875 S C 1ip 1 11 3225552 Tube EGR Hose to Switch Hpse 1 AM Gieneral I 0i p 0r4el l0rii