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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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IVI ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5 9 Part Item Number Description Oty Figure 5 4 IDIEITRIBUTOIR 8 Cyliinderl 3228265 Dis1 iibut0r Assembly r 1 8125448 CIIIICI 2 8125437 Control Vacuum i 3 3208615 Giizeair 4 8125444 S i ns0r Assembly Ilncluides lil ljiiaugeisl t 5 8125439 VI lhee Trigger i 6 8125443 Slliield i r 7 3201 799 R r oIr I 8 8128420 Clip Distributor Cap i I 9 8125609 Viriai Set Ignition Consists of S l K ilire Ignition 1 and 4 iEI I 50 l S l K Vir e Ignition 2 and 7 22i8 7l5 l S l K Ilr e Ignition 3 and 5 2217 nO0 I y S I l Iil iIr e Ignition 8 34 75 I S l l V iIi e Ignition 6 33 00 I I 3228281 Vlllire Iginition Coil to is1 riI u1or I AM General C i rp 0i all i 0n