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Model FJ-9 Service Parts Catalog October 1978
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VI ii L lEE C TRlCAL SYSTEM 5 27 item Number Descr p1 i r Oty Figaure 5 l9 DIHECCTIONAL SIGNAL lll v V1lA r FLASHIER AND 4 WAY FLHASHER SWITCH 996381 Bvvllch Assembly 4 V ay F la s her 1 1 S A Elrwstlzlu 4 ay Flasher l l r r 1 g 2 S I A l l l Hex 1 2 20 s se Ir r I 1 3 SIA l l l r Hex Jam 1 2 V LEO 1 4 S I A l l l l t and Setscrew As serr l lly 1 5 997855 lilaseher 4 V ay 1 5957923 l lasher Directional Signal 1 932133 Rer 2 5g t aar le Flasher 2 FIQlll 1l l 5 20 DO ll VllEi AND CARGO l IGiH1I 1SW llT Zl I 1 5900481 Svv l h Assembly Dome Light 1 5950016 Swilcrh Assembly Cargc Light Url llvsxtrurhent Panel 1 5550366 5wl li h Assembly Cargo Llght lvl CZzz1 g0 Area A 1 AM Gieneral C30rplc r4znI I0rl