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Jeep Parts Catalog July 1992
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1991 93 JEEP GENERAL Page INF 6 PARTS CATALOG INFORMATION COLOR CODED OR COMBINED PART NUMBERS Appearing throughout this catalog are part numbers containing both letters and numbers For example W D500 KB7 These are good serviceable part numbers The combination of letters and numbers merely indicates the parts are keyed to the interior color of the vehicles on which they are used ln addition Right and Left part numbers are frequently combined on one line e g D500 1 KB7 Such numbers are interpreted as D500 KB7 Right Side application and D501 KB7 Left Side Right and Left Sides are always determined by their relationship to the driver when normally seated and looking forward INTERIOR TRIM Refer to the Group IT Interior Trim section of the catalog for information relative to Interior Soft and Hard Trim Rolled Stock etc TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION The Part Number and or Model Number of the Transmission 1 s If III t l fl y Int KRD ie ENGINE IDENTIFICATION S A Sequential Number Assigned by the K Y via Engine Assembly Plant Q I Q l P V Q l 4 gmt Qi Q K9 4 Cyl 6 Cyl 8 Cyl