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Jeep Parts Catalog July 1992
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GENERAL 1991 93 JEEP INFORMATION PARIS CATALO j Page INF 9 VIEHIICLIE IDENTIFICATIOINI NUMBER 5 I r 17 t g c w I 1 3crl2 00 q00 1 0 0 Vehicle Identificaticiri INumI er The vehicle identificaticin number consists of a comllzlination of seventeen letters and numbers The first six elements identify the model borzly type GVW class engine model year and assembly plant The lasst element indicates the plant building sequence All models will begin with 100001 The Vehicle Identification Nulmber is located on the Vehicle Identification Plate Equip ment Identification Plate and the applicable U S Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Certifilcation Label and Frame Rail Filefer to l N ljihart for code and sample V l N I 1 TEE ir 2 I I 0 M 0 100001 1 Y 1 2 17 S 2 11 0 10 4 1 9 5 2 8 6 7