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Jeep Parts Catalog July 1992
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GENERAL 1991 93 JEEP INFORMATION PARTS CATALOGLM Page INF 13 SAL ES CODES Due to the increase complexity of qualifications required to describe the application of some replacement parts particularly those related to the Emission Control System Sales Codes are used on a selected basis in some areas of this publication Normally Sales Codes will be employed as secondary qualifiers and are for the express purpose of providing positive identification of parts applicable to vehicle cornponents or systems so complex in nature that normal methods of written qualification are either inadequate or confusing The Sales code will always appear after the written descriptioan ot the part will be enclosed in parenthesis will be prefixed S C and will follow a hyphen appended to the S C e g S C HAO To determine whether or not the vehicle for which the part is being specified was built with a particular Sales Code it will be necessary to refer to the Body Code Plate depicted on page lNF 10 Sales Codes are also listed on vehicle invoices and on the Maroney label which is affixed to the side glass on new units