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Jeep Parts Catalog July 1992
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GENERAL 1991 93 JEEP INFORMATION PARTS CATALOG Page INF 27 K Manifold Manifdld J Manifold Absolute Pressure l Ilanif IId Absolute Pressure MAP J Manifold Differential Pressure l 1lani1I nId Differential Pressure MDP F Manifold Source Intake Manifold Vacuum Source J Manifold Surface Temjperatulre Intake Manifold Surface TemperatureMST B Manifold Tuning Valve Intake Manifold Tuning Valve MTV C Manifold Tuning Valve Solenoid lntaktze Manifold Tuning Valve Solenoid B Manifold Vacuum Intake Manifold Vacuuml B Manifold Vacuum Source Intakizi Manifold Vacuuml Source J Manifold Vacuum Zone lVlani II ld Vacuum Zone MVZ L Manifold Exhaust Eixliatist Manifold L Manifold Intake Eingirlile Intake Manifold H Manual Shift Lamp Shtft Ilndicator Lamp SIL A MAP Sensor l IAP fiilensor C MAP Sensor Underhood Llnderthood MAP Sensor J Mass Air Flow Mass Air Flow MAF K Memory l Iemtziry I MFI Multiport Fuel Injection MFI E Minimum Air Flow Throttle Bodly Minimum Air Flow J Mixture Control l lixtnre Control MC K Mode II Iode C Mode Select VSC Mode Select L Module Cooling Radizlzillior Fan Assembly L Module Fan Brkt Motor Bladle Fan Itlssembly L Module Logic Powertrain Control Module PCM L Module Transmission EQl AX TCU Transmission Control Mlodule TCM A Module Transmission EATX Controller l ransmission Control Mtodule TCM K Mot or II Iotor L Motor AIS or IdIeBypassVIy Idle iltlr Control Motor A Motor AIS Idle Alr Control Motor D MPI II liiltiport fuel Injection MFI B MTV Intake Manifold Tuning Valve MTV E Muffler IVli iffiIer J Multiport Fuel Injection Il Itiltiport Fuel Injection MFI C Neutral Safety Switch Park lNeutraII Position Switch I Neutral Safety Switch Park II IeutraiI Position Switch PNP I NVM Non i l oIital Random Access Memory NVRAM I NVRAM NCI l I ll VOIIIIBI Random Access Memory NVRAM I O2 Oxygen Sensor O2S G O2 Sensor xygen Sensor O2S I OBD On B iard Diagnostic OBD L Oil Cooler Engine Engine Oil Cooler A Oil Pressure Switch Switch Sender Engine Oil Pressure Swttch A Oil Pressure Switch Switch Sender Engine Oil Pressure Sending Unit L Oil Pump Engine Oil Pump J On Board Diagnostic On Board Diagnostic OBD I Open Loop Open Loop OL K Open Loop Open Loop OL C ORC Dog Vacuum SOI I I Z iId AWD AWD IDRC Vaccum Solenoid L Orifice PCV tjflrifice L Orifice TC Wastzegate Actuator Orifice L Orifice Secondary Throttle Vacuum Orifice L Orifice EGR Vacuum Compensation Orifice L Orifice Pr essure Purge Orifice L Orifice EZVAP Canister Purge Flow Orifice L Orifice EVIAP Cnaister Purge Control Orifice L Orifice Secondary EGR Vacuum Orifice F Orifice Check Valve Chiecxlk Valve W Orifice A Orifice to Intake Manifold Intake Manifold EVAP Can Purge Orifice A Orifice to Throttle Body Man Vac w Ck Vlv TB lVIIan Vac Check Valve W Orifice A Orifice to Throttle Bocly Port Vac w Ck Vlv TEL Verituri Vac Check Valve W Orifice A Orifice Canister Purge Flow E l Al Canister Purge Flow Orifice