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Tube A A A19 01 5 6 GM 123 1l 3 Bolt 35 11A A GM Bolt A 30 01 3 GM 1235A E 0 Bolt 10 12 A GM Bolt
Locating strap to axle GM 2 Nut and lockwasher Sm 18 housing locating GM 2 Bolt hex hd l 20 x M 3 strap to flexible GM 2 Nut and lockwasher
assembly 1 Bolt and lockwasher hex hd 24 tx i Chat deilector bracket to frame GM 2 Bolt hex hd ll 20 x M GM 2 Nut and lockwasher
Catch hood assembly 2 2 2 70 2 69 2 GM Bolt hex hd MJ 20 X 4 69 10 GM Nut and lockwasher hex 1 20 Hood catch