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Bolt 31 13 GM Screw 31 03C GM Clip 24 01 GM Bolt 24 01 GM Screw 35 21 1 GM Bolt 24 02 GM Plug
front top front side left assembly 1 Bow front top front side right assembly GM 2 Bolt hex hd 1 4 20 x 3 4 GM 1 Nut and lockwasher ...
shield 1 Rod side curtain front left 1 Rod side curtain front right GM 4 Bolt hex hd 1 4 20 x 3 4 GM 4 Nut and lockwasher
rail assembly to windshield GM 2 Nut hex 3 8 24 GM 2 Bolt hex hd 1 4 2O x 3 4 GM 2 Nut and loekwasher ...
side front 1 Rod side curtain front left 1 Rod side curtain front right GM 4 Bolt hex hd 1 4 20 x 3 4 GM 4 Nut and lockwasher
Conduit to left tender splash apron X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GM Bolt hex 1 4 20 x 3 4 1 iw 2 59 K C 1Con1 1ui1Jllto right
Tube brake valve to rear brake tube GM 1 Union 1 Valve piroportioning GM 1 Bolt hex hd 1 4 20 x 3 4 GM 1 Locj1z washer