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Bolt rd hd sq neck 5 16 18 x 1 1 2 I GM 2 Nut and lockwasner 5 l6 18 I I GM 6 Washer flat I Retainer to floor ...
Bolt step 5 16 18 X 1 3 4 I GM 6 Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 I GM 2 Pin cotter 3 64 x 1 2 2 Pin lock hold ...
Bolt step 5 16 18 x 1 3 4 GM 6 Nut and lockwasher assembly hex 5 16 18 GM 2 Nut lock 5 16 18 2 Bracket support
right 1 1 1 GM Bolt 5 16 18 x 3 4 1 1 1 GM Nut and lockwasher 5 l6 18 1 1 1 GM Washer 5 16 Brace to body ...
hold down 1 1 U GM Nut and lockwasher 5 16 l8 1 1 11 GM Washer 5 16 Brace to battery tray stud 1 1 1 GM Bolt ...
Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 1 1 1 GM Washer 5 16 Brace to battery tray 2 2 2 Bracket battery hold down assembly 12 volt
Nozzle to rear cowl panel I I I GM 1 Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 Attach hoseclip for hot I I I water hoses to hex head double end bolt which
Washer 5 16 4 4 010 4 10 GM Nut and lockwasher hex 5 16 18 4 4 8 8 4 3 Seat frame and extension bracket attaching Loop footman
windshield right assembly X1 GM l22017 Bolt hex hd 5 16 18 x Il X 4 GM Nut and lockwasher hex 5 16 18 X4 GM Washer plain 5 16 X4 Windsniieltl pivot
Bracket clip fuel and return line X X 1I 1 1 1 I GM Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 I X X 1 1 1 1I Clip to cylinder head I Clamp
Bracket hand brake to instrument panel Screw pan hd 5 16 18 x 5 8 GM Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 Hand brake bracket to instrument panel Bracket hand brake cable rear
Breather axle housing assembly 1 1 1 Bumper axle 1 Spacer axle bumper 1 GM Nut and lockwasher hex 5 16 18 1 Bumper to bracket 44 39 A 10231 Cover front
Muffler to tail pipe X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 GM Nut and lockwasher 5 16 18 X 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I Saddle U bolt
Screw pan hd 5 16 18 x 3 4 X X 1 1 1 GM Nut and lockwasher hex 5 16 18 XX 1 1 1 Handle to instrument panel Handle and ratchet
Fastener 24 09 GM Nut and Lockwasher 15 05 GM Clip 35 21A GM Nut and Lockwasher 12 03 GM Clamp 24 09 GM Nut and Lockwasher