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4200 rpm 320 rf 4200 rpm Max Vac Advance Distributor Degrees None 80 80 80 Condenser Capacity 25 to 28 mfd 18 to 23 mfd 25 to 28 mfd 25 to 28 mfd 1 IMING
Compression Ratio 9 0 1 9 0 1 Horsepower max Brake 160 4200 rpm 160 E 4200 rpm Horsepower SAE 33 748 33 748 Torque
4200 rpm l ax 32 1 4200 rpm Max Max Vac Advance Distributor Degrees 80 80 8 Condenser Capacity 18 to 23 mfd 25 t0 28 mfd 25 t0 28 mfd Timing V Crankshaft
Number of Mounting Points Front 2 l Horsepower SAE 33 748 i Horsepower max brake 160 4200 rpm Torque max 2400 rpm 235 lb ft 32 49 kg m Cylinder Numbers Front to Rear Right