Shield dust universal joint yoke X I I1 I1 I50 8 Shim set adjusting pinion bearing inner and outer X 1 1 1 1 1I I Coxpsists of I I I Shim 003 thick
pinion hearing inner 21 04 26 Gear set side gear and 8 Shim set 21 04 pinion mate 21 03 9 GM Fitting 21 05 27 Washer thrust side gear
Seal pinion X I Shield dust universal joint yoke X I44 33 I Shim set adjusting pinion bearings front and rear I Model 25 axle I44 33 I Shim set adjusting pinion
steering left 23 O1 132 Socket tie rod left 23 01 33 Shim set axle drive pinion 20 04 34 52877 Cup pinion bearing inner 20 04 35 Cone and rollers pinion