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Number B 5 A 6 A 5 6 I GROUP 31 03A WINDSHIELD WIPERS Continued Ventilating Windshield Motor wiper assembly X X 2 2 2 GM Screw and lockwasher ...
holding I Windshield wiper knurled driver I I I 1 Hose wiper 34 long I I 1 Motor windshield wiper assembly I I I GM I 2 Screw and lockwasher
Collar 35 21A Driver 31 03A 691 585 Body 31 01 Motor 31 03A Panel 31 06 Arm 31 03A Panel 31 06 Driver 31 03A Seat
with Stationary Windshield I I I I 1 Hose wiper 34 long I I I I 1 Motor windshield wiper assembly I 2 Screw and lockwasher
Windshield wiper hose in instrument panel 81 10 Hose windshield wiper 12 foot 1 81 1 Motor windshield wiper Vacuum 2 Screw and lockwasher
Group Ref Group No Part No Description No No Part No Description No 1 Motor windshield wiper 31 03A 15 Treadle accelerator 12 08 2 Wheel steering 23 02 16 Handle