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Lubricant Blend Jeep Lubricant Concentrate Jeep Part No The Quadra Trac transfer case does not require per lor enuivalentt Use eight ouneee iodic or scheduled lubrication However should a SAE 30 good duality nondetergent ...
occur a full eight fluid ounces of Ashland Valvolinel gr equiva1ent Requirement Jeep Lubricant Concentrate Part Number UT is 4 5 pints 3 7 Imperial pints or 2 1 liters Lubrizol 5901 or equivalent ...
bolts Torque for the 5 16 18 bolts is 15 foot pounds Jeep Lubricant Concentrate Part No or equivalent brand Use eight ounces SAE 30W good quality nondetergent motor oil CAUTION Overtightening may result
Ounces of as scheduled If this occurs the catalyst the C g 8 oncentrate Jeep Part Number or Lubrizol alumina coated beads in the converter must be re 762 and SAE 30 good quality ...
eight ounces of Concent case Sudden release of the clutch brake cones under Tele JeelJ Part Number 0F Lnbfinel 762 and this condition results in a constant pulsating grunt good quality SAE 30 nondetergent ...
full eight fluid ounces of mn an lg Bn E D S Concentrate Jeep Part Number or Lubrizcl First install the concentrate in the reduction unit 762 or equivalent should be added this applies
sprocket fmces must be prelubricated with Jeep Lxulmbant Con and through pinion mate shaft centrote Part No or Lnbrizol 5 901 or I4 Engage remaining side gear in pinion mate equivalent gears Fnom
bring up to level with a blend of AMC Jeep Lubricant Concentrate Jeep Part No r or equivalent and SAE 30W non detergent rii i motor