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Harness 15 09G Plate 24 04 Adapter 17 03 Regulator 15 04 Cap 15 17A Regulator 15 04 Hose 12 03 Transmission
alternator X 1 1 93 5840 Harness underbody wiring Use with directional signals With regulator X 1 1 1 1 Harness underbody wiring With directional signal cables Use with alternator
wiring right side See Note No 2 X I Harness body wiring right side Use with and 60 amp alternator X 1 Harness chassis wiring See Note No 1 X Harness
Grommet 11 16 X 1 Harness alternator to regulator 12 volt 60 amp Use with regulator P Harness alternator to regulator Up to Serial 8322 17410 8422 10457 Harness alternator
Regulator voltage assembly 12 volt Auto lite Low cut in 1 1 1 1 1 Regulator voltage assembly 12 volt 60 Amp Use harness 1 1 1 1 1 GM Lockwasher