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Protector 24 02 Hub and stud 25 02 Tube 24 07 Plate 17 04 Tube 24 07 Gasket 17 02 Column and bearing
Gear countershaft 33 25 19 14 teeth 1 1 1 1 1 1I I Plate idler and countershaft lock 1 1I I Plate idler and countershaft lock
reverse idler gear and bearing X I1 1I Consists of I 1 Gear reverse idler 1 Plate lock 22 Roller reverse idler gear bearing I 1 Shaft reverse idler
Seal front bearing retainer I 1 Plate lock shaft 1 Plate lock shaft I 1 Plate lock shaft I I 3 Plate shifting synchronizer I I 1 Snap Ring clutch