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D HURRICANE F4 ENGINE D GENERAL Circulation of the coolant is controlled by a This section describes service and repair of the thermostat in the water outlet elbow cast as part F4 engine The engine code number shown in Fig of the cylinder head A 3 is pmvlded tO id tlfY tht OUT YH d Y gi The cylinder head assembly when installed on the The meaning of the coded letters and numbers that engine consists of the inlet valve guides inlet are Stamfmd OH l h Watfff Dump boss at the front valves inlet valve springs rocker arm and shaft Of thf Cylinder b1O k is given b l0W assemblies spark plugs temperature indicator Lolo lo Letter to fitting water outlet fitting and other assembled Designate Market Designate Year Built parts The carburetor and air cleaner assembly M R bolt to theltop of the cylinder head The rocker Eh Expert so 1970 v igy3 arm cover is attached to the top of the head to D Domestic T 1971 W 1974 enclose the inlet valve mechanism I M Industrial ar Mmm The engine is equipped with a fully counterbalanced Letter to Numbers to Designate crankshaft supported by three main bearings To Comlfesslon Ratio better control balance the counterweights are in it F i 134 Engine 63 6 3 mi dependently forged and permanently attached to 97 7 67 tO 1 the crankshaft with dowels and cap screws that are 1 7 1 tO 1 tack welded Crankshaft end play is adjusted by shims placed between the crankshaft thrust washer EXAMPLE and the shoulder on the crankshaft o s r 1 23 A iz Vs ev The exhaust manifold is a separate unit The intake N M l T T C 1 manifold is cast as an integral part of the cylinder ii e esiir i l pmS I head and is completely water jacketed Th1S COH N I l A struction transfers heat from the cooling system Txriififi lQ jl sfQQ fS7 to the intake passages and assists in vaporizmg i the fuel when the engine is cold Therefore there Q i Q l ll m 1 Ov rS P St S is no heat control valve required in the exhaust manifold Individual exhaust ports in the cylinder l V i ii i ii aersi e Main block direct gasses into the exhaust manifold for Y d RM B g unobstructed iiow through the exhaust system The pistons have an extra groove directly above All disassembly and assembly procedures are the Op ring which wits as heat dam Of insulator 1 giiwsentcd in logical order assuming a complete As ls common pmc1 1C W1th manuf Ctur rS Some engine overhaul with engine removed from the engmci are bunt Wltll Oversize cylmdcr bores Or Volllolo Howovorl many of those procedums can undersize crankshaft Journals These engines are also be performed as on vehicle services if vehicle S1d d Standard as replacement Rafts Of the or engine components are removed to gain access Coil cet Slzcs are Supphcd Before Ordcrmg paris gr lo ports loVol l domg any work with a particular engine 1t 1S important to check the engine code numbef to Note Some engines are equipped with an exhaust determine if oversize or undersize parts are re emission control system Service information on quired Definite identification is given by a letter the components of this system is given in Section stamped after the engine code number See Fig F l A 5 for location The letters used and their mean ings are given here 2 Description The Hurricane F4 134 engine is an F head four A Ul0 0 254 mm undcrsizc main and cylinder engine of combination valve in head and connecting rod bearings valve in block construction Large intake valves B an l0 0 254 mm Oversize pistonsl mounted in the head allow rapid unobstructed flow of fuel and air to the combustion chambers AB T Combination Of A and B lhroliggh sliort water jacketed intake passages The S Service engine mia e va ves are operated by push rods throu h rocker arms The exhaust valves are mountgd l Re Sh B1 k in the block with through water jacketing to provide effective cooling The exhaust valves are Detailed specifications for the Hurricane F4 engine operated by conventional valve tappets are at the end of this section Torque specifications The engine is pressure lubricated An Oil pump for engine service are at the end of this manual in driven from the camshaft forces the lubricant Section U When adjustments are C SS3fY refer through oil channels and drilled passages in the to these specifications so that factory clearances crankshaft to efficiently lubricate the main and are m8i t8i d cnnnecting rod bearings Lubricant is also force ferl to the camshaft bearings rocker arms timin sears etc Cylinder walls and piston pins arg D 3 Engme Mouritnigs ui l ostod from spurt holes in the rrfollowii Side Of The front of the engine is supported by two rubber the connecting rods Text continued on page 41 38